
Revolutionary Antimicrobial Technology

By Theoharris Efthymiou *

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Food has been a problem for humanity since the beginning of our existence, but recently we have made huge strides in technology such as genetic modification that have saved hundreds of millions of lives through increased efficiency of crop growth. Although while huge strides have been made in reducing the amount of malnourishment and lack of food in the world, with 795 million people lacking food world-wide this tat still poses a massive problem that till now has not had a solution.

While discovered by accident, a recent discovery may be the key to allowing for large scale and safe production of crops in almost any conditions. This new discovery occurred when a group of researchers examined a fox den and collected samples and subsequently used a screening method which allowed them to find a new type of antimicrobial with properties that allowed for a thin layer (biofilm) that means good and protective bacteria are used in order to prevent the development of disease or fungus.

This unique antimicrobial also has another important and positive property, what it also does is it reduces the production of the gas ethylene which is the cause of ripening, the slowing down of ripening may also allow for further and cheaper transportation of crops. It will also allow for easier access for people in dangerous rural areas that do not always have available foreign, safe and cheap food goods.

The antimicrobial will also be significantly more practical for most business’ than alternative products as in the first country to examine it Australia has classified this antimicrobial as completely natural and can therefore be more easily accessible for many.

To conclude this new discovery could be of extreme importance in the preceding years due to the fact that it may be able to save thousands of people’s lives as well as to create income  for impoverished rural areas with little non-agricultural economic oppurtinity.

* O Χάρης είναι μαθητής 14 ετών

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