Scientific articles
This list contains books-chapters in books, in which HAPSc is included in the author(s)'s affiliation.
Efthymiou, Iris-Panagiota, Efthymiou-Egleton, Th.-W., Sidiropoulos, S. (2020) «Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Politics: Should Political AI be Controlled? », International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, vol.5. no.2, 2020, 49-51 ISSN: 2456-2165 IJISRT | A Digital Library, February, Available here.
Scientific articles
This list contains books-chapters in books, in which HAPSc is included in the author(s)'s affiliation.
Efthymiou, Iris-Panagiota, Vozikis, A., Sidiropoulos, S. (2019) «Innovation in healthcare with a focus on cancer care», International Journal of Health Research and Innovation, vol.7. no.2, 2019, 13-28 ISSN: 2051-5057 (print version), 2051-5065 (online) Scientific Press International Limited, June Available here.
Batakis, D., Sidiropoulos, S., Vozikis, A. (2019) «Stakeholders, factors and outcomes concerning health policy formation debate», International Journal of Health Research and Innovation, vol.7. no.2, 2019, 13-28 ISSN: 2051-5057 (print version), 2051-5065 (online) Scientific Press International Limited, June Available here.
Efthymiou, Iris-Panagiota, Vozikis, A., Sidiropoulos, S. (2019) «Application of Sociocybernetic model in the field of Health Management», International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 10, Issue 5, May-2019, ISSN 2229-5518, May Available here.
Fouskas, Th., Sidiropoulos, S., Vozikis, A. (2019) «Leaving no one out? Public health aspects of migration: Health risks, responses and accessibility by asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Greece», International Journal of Health Research and Innovation, vol.7. no.1, 2019, 13-28 ISSN: 2051-5057 (print version), 2051-5065 (online) Scientific Press International Limited, May Available here.
Scientific articles
This list contains books-chapters in books, in which HAPSc is included in the author(s)'s affiliation.
Aggeli, M. (2014) «Judicial Review of the Constitution of the Laws and the Proposal for the Establishment of a Constitutional Court ». Piraeus Jurisprudence, October, Issue: 4 Available here.
Studies / Essays
This list contains the research reports published by HAPSc. In the following publications, the Hellenic Association of Political Scientists is mentioned as the official publishing body.
Batakis, D., Zisis, K. (2017) “Malignant neoplasms in women. Course of mortality and incidence rates in European countries”. Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), April, 2017, Athens. Available here (in English).
Krispis, A. (2016) “The Local Government in Greece a descriptive approach”. Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), February, 2016, Amaliada. Available here (in English).
Dimitropoulos, V. (2016) “European Defence – The Perspectives of Permanent Structured Cooperation”. Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), March, 2016, Athens. Available here (in Greek).
Sidiropoulos, S., Vozikis, A., Kritas, D., Fouskas. T. (2016) “Study of Health Politics that Implemente to the Patients of Refugee – Migrant Flows to Greece (Greek State – Organizations)”, Hellenic Association of Political Scientists (HAPSc), Laboratory for Health Economic and Management (LabHEM), September, 2016, Athens. Available εδώ (in Greek).