

  • *Funding Amount


HAPSc is funded by:

  • Τhe annual subscriptions of members and associate members as well as the registration fee of new members.
  • The unplanned contributions of members and associate members which may be imposed by decision of the Board of Directors.
  • Any voluntary contributions from members and associate members.
  • Income derived from the property of the Association, the interest and the proceeds of its capital.
  • Donations and any other sponsorships to the Association.
  • Revenues coming from events organized by the Association.
  • Funding, grants and benefits from Authorities, Municipalities, Organizations and other Institutions and Associations of Greece or abroad.
  • Revenues derived from any legitimate cause.

Donations are always registered along with the name of the donor. If the donation is made for a certain purpose, it cannot be used for any other objective of the association, unless the initial purpose is impossible to be materialized. In the latter case the electorate decides about how the donation should be used.

The Association has a Non-Profitable character. Therefore, the distribution of any profit to its members, either during its operation or upon its dissolution, is not permitted. However, the Board of Directors, may decide to cover expenses of the members in case of events that promote the objectives of the Association.