
After successfully completing the registration, every Member receives its Registration Number, its digital Membership Card, and its access details to the site’s Member Area. The benefits are available only to Members in good standing, and include:

Trainer Members Youth Members/ Regular Members
Certificate of Memberhip
Digital Membership Card
Access in the site’s members area
Participation in members events
Considerable discounts in conferences organised by HAPSc
Priority advantage in participations in activities led by HAPSc
Paricipation in HAPSc missions abroad
Participation in committees and project groups of HAPSc
Availability of an internship
Vouchers for shops
Access in HAPSc library
Right to vote in HAPSc institutional bodies
Right to be elected in HAPSc institutional bodies
Discounts in conferences of other Organizations
Possibility of representing HAPSc in international institutions

*The status of Youth Member or Regular Member are attributed after a decision by the Board of Directors or the responsible body of Organization.

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