
HAPSc Forum 2022: Challenges of a New Era
9:00 πμ - 9:00 μμ Online

The Hellenic Association of Political Scientists organizes the HAPSc Forum 2022, entitled “Challenges of a New Era”. This new initiative of the HAPSc focuses on some of the most important issues facing humanity today, namely Climate Change and Natural Resources, Migration, Security and Public Health. The Forum will be held online, on Friday 27 May 2022.

It is deemed important to examine the different dimensions of the above issues, and their short- and long-term implications. For this reason, the HAPSc Forum 2022 seeks to provide a high-level discussion to analyse these interrelated phenomena, in order to better conceptualize the issues at hand, and to seek insightful solutions to tackle the challenges ahead at local, national, and international level.

To achieve the above, government officials, politicians, academics and professionals will participate in the Forum representing top-tier local, regional and international, public and private organizations and businesses, contributing with their knowledge and experience to the overall policy-making and planning processes.

The main language of the Forum is Greek, while some contributions/ presentations will be made in English.

For more information and to register for the forum, visit here: https://www.hapsc.org/en/hapsc-forum-2022/

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